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William Blake1757-1827
William Blake Galleries
William Blake started writing poems as a boy, many of them inspired by religious visions. Apprenticed to an engraver as a young man, Blake learned skills that allowed him to put his poems and drawings together on etchings, and he began to publish his own work. Throughout his life he survived on small commissions, never gaining much attention from the London art world. His paintings were rejected by the public (he was called a lunatic for his imaginative work), but he had a profound influence on Romanticism as a literary movement.
Giuseppe VermiglioGiuseppe Vermiglio (c.1585 - c.1635) was a Caravaggist painter from Northern Italy, active also in Rome.
Our knowledge of Vermiglioes life is sketchy. It is probable that he was born in Alessandria. He spent the first two decades of the seventeenth century in Rome where, while training and working as an artist, he adopted a bohemian lifestyle with a tendency to become involved in painterly brawling: in 1604 he supported his master Adriano di Monteleonees account of a dispute with two unknown artists which had led to Monteleone being wounded by his own wife; the following year Vermiglio was arrested and imprisoned after being discovered at the Monte di Brianza hostellry bearing an unlicensed sword; and in 1611 proceedings were brought against him for physically attacking the painter Silvio Oliviero. In 1618, still in Rome, he is recorded as a picture dealer.
Around 1620 he returned to northern Italy where he pursued his career as a painter in Piedmont (Novara and Alessandria) and in Lombardy (notably in Mantua and Milan).
His art was profoundly influenced by Caravaggio. Other painters to whom his work is thought, on the basis of stylistic references, to be indebted include the Bolognese Annibale Carracci and Guido Reni; it has been suggested that Vermiglio worked or studied in Bologna at some point. Luigi Lanzi acclaimed the painting of Daniel among the lions, in the library of the Passione in Milan, as his masterwork.
Judgments of quality of his work have ranged from Alfred Moires inconsequential craftsmane to Lanzies the best painter in oils of which the ancient state of Piedmont could boast, and one of the best Italian artists of his times.
gosta adrian-nilssonGösta Adrian-Nilsson, GAN, född 2 april 1884 i Lund, död 29 mars 1965 i Stockholm, svensk konstnär och författare. Räknas som en betydande pionjär inom den svenska modernistiska konsten.
GAN debuterade som konstnär 1907 med en utställning på Lunds universitets konstmuseum. Efter studier i bl.a. Köpenhamn for han 1913 till Berlin för att studera modernismen. I Berlin kom han genom författaren Herwarth Waldens galleri Der Sturm i kontakt med futurism, expressionism och kubism. Influerad av dessa ismer skapade GAN sedan sin nya, modernistiska stil.
1916 flyttade han till Stockholm där han genom sin modernistiska konst och sin propaganda för den nya konsten, väckte stor uppmärksamhet.
Att GAN var homosexuell avspeglas i flera av hans verk. Till exempel var han periodvis nästan maniskt fixerad vid sjömän och han dyrkade maskulin kraft. Andra favoritmotiv var manliga idrottsutövare. Samtidigt var den homosexuella erotiken både förbjuden och tabubelagd och GAN tvingades att leva ett dubbelliv.
Mellan 1920 och 1925 bodde och arbetade GAN i Paris där han kom i kontakt med Fernand L??ger. Kontakten med denne ledde till att GAN:s inriktning mot kubismen förstärktes.
Under 1930-talet anslöt han sig till surrealismen.
Förutom oljemålningar finns akvareller med folkvisemotiv samt gobelängkartonger bland hans verk. Dessa "säljbara" verk gjorde GAN dock i de flesta fall av ekonomiska skäl snarare än konstnärliga. Han skrev även dikter, noveller och barnböcker.